Promotional Items

Choose the Right Promotional Item

Promotional items have become a staple in business worldwide. Reputedly, an Ohio printer named Jasper Meeks started the practice when he convinced a local shoe store to print their name on some book bags, and distribute them free of charge to schools.

Today, promotional gifts are ubiquitous. A whole industry has grown up around the practice. The Promotional Products Association International has 10000 members worldwide, including 22000 distributors and 4800 manufacturers.

If your enterprise has been operating for any time at all, you’ve doubtless been paid a sales call by one or more of these distributors, who all have glossy catalogs full of nifty looking things for you to give your customers and prospects. They claim that these gifts will give you an edge when it comes to gaining and retaining customers.

Before you go investing money in a promotional item to give away, there are some questions you need to ask:Best Printer NYC for Events

Does this Item Represent My Business?

Does the item you’re considering align with the products or services that you sell? Is it consistent with the message that you’re trying to put across? The most successfully branded companies have carefully considered promotional strategies in which every single piece fits together.

Is this item useful?

Every time a customer or prospect throws out a promotional item, they’re throwing out your money. They’re also needlessly contributing to the landfill. Know your target demographic, and plan your gifts accordingly. While a multipurpose golf tool might seem nifty, if your customers don’t play golf you are doing them and yourself a disservice.

Does this Item Get My Message Across?

Every contact you have with a customer or prospect is an opportunity to get your message across. Don’t send mixed signals. If part of your businesses core values is respect for the environment, make sure you don’t contradict that message. Avoid generic promotional items like phone cards or pens, unless you’re sure that your target can make use of them.

Is the Item Effectively Personalized?

Make sure your promotional materials paint your company in the best possible light. Use a reputable printer to personalize your promotional items. The promotional item gets attributed to your company because it has your name and logo on it. Make sure it’s aesthetically pleasing, easy to view, and will remain on the item as long as it’s in use.

Call us today, and find out what we can do to help you raise the profile of your business. We’re proud to be the best printer in New York City!

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